The False Pursuit of Happiness
Mindset Jessica Jenkins Mindset Jessica Jenkins

The False Pursuit of Happiness

There’s no book or guide for happiness. And frankly we’re actually pretty bad at it. Our mind seeks the joy of happiness but it’s only a fleeting emotion and can leave us in the false pursuit of this where we can find other ways to reach contentment.

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REAL Self Care - what does it mean for you?
Mindset Jessica Jenkins Mindset Jessica Jenkins

REAL Self Care - what does it mean for you?

Real self-care is more about caring for your needs than necessarily a hot bubble bath. Looking into what is fulfilling your motivations in your work life and where it all fits together. What your value is, and where do you place value on your time and energy. Finding your ultimate work-life balance.

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Rewire your brain to overcome challenges
Mindset Jessica Jenkins Mindset Jessica Jenkins

Rewire your brain to overcome challenges

Challenges are a part of life. How we work through and past them is up to us. Sometimes these challenges stick with us. But what if there was a way to rewire our brains to take on challenges and positively move through them?

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