5 Positive Tools to Manage Stress

Coping with stress is as unique to each of us as the stressors in the first place. Do your coping strategies help you work through stress, or do you find that it bottles up deep and eventually spills over into the rest of your life?

We all phase through spaces in our lives where stress comes (and hopefully leaves). And the right amount of stress for short periods of time helps us be motivated, to take action, and to move through/past whatever it is that is stressing us. Be it a big presentation, sale, or new project at the office, stress as the deadline approaches, it is natural and, if channeled in the right direction, can mean we remain focused and on task. 

However, if there are other stresses like a colleague or boss that is making life difficult, or being demanding, or simply you feel under pressure for the wrong reasons, there isn’t an obvious direction or deadline to these stressors. This can mean that the stress lasts longer, percolates, and, before too long, you are in the stress and can’t quite figure a way out. 

The body and mind can only manage a certain amount of stress for a certain length of time. Beyond this, it will manifest itself in physical pain or discomfort, disrupted sleep patterns, moodiness, and basically an overwhelm of what you can manage, spilling into other parts of your life. 

5 Positive Ways to Manage

I’ve lined up five positive ways to manage your stress so you don’t push yourself beyond what you can manage healthily and can be empowered to move forward with confidence. Remember that life is a journey, and you will move through phases of stress. This is about a toolbox of tools that you can use in moments of stress and, even better, be practicing before you are overwhelmed.

  1. Time management: The ultimate stress slayer!

One of the most effective ways to manage stress is through efficient time management. You can reduce overwhelm and boost productivity by prioritising tasks, setting realistic goals, and creating a structured schedule. Try blocking out time each week for:

  • Deep focus time  - for those presentations, research, or actual crunch time.

  • Personal time - ensuring that there is time for you to do you. Be it self-care, home life, or planning for the next week.

  • Breaks - a short break to stand up, walk around and get a cuppa tea every 25 minutes can help refocus your mind and feel less pressurised.

    2. Embrace work-life balance:

Finding harmony between your professional and personal life is key to managing stress effectively. Setting boundaries and carving out time for self-care, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones can help prevent burnout. However, it's essential to remember that achieving work-life balance is a continuous journey. It's not about perfectly balancing every aspect of your life every single day but rather about making conscious choices and adjustments as needed.

3. Unleash your inner growth mindset:

Ah, the power of a growth mindset! Embracing the belief that challenges are opportunities for growth and that setbacks are merely stepping stones on the path to success can revolutionise how we handle stress. But here's the deal: a growth mindset alone may not completely banish stress. 

It's important to acknowledge that maintaining a positive and growth mindset is not about ignoring or suppressing negative emotions. It's about acknowledging them, learning from them, and reframing them in a constructive way. Embracing a growth mindset allows you to view setbacks as opportunities for growth and transformation.

4. Practice self-reflection and goal-setting:

Taking the time to reflect on your work-life aspirations, values, and goals can provide clarity and reduce stress. By setting achievable goals and breaking them down into manageable steps, you create your roadmap for success. However, be cautious not to become too fixated on outcomes and milestones. The journey toward your work-life goals is just as important as the destination. Embrace the process, celebrate small victories, and be open to adjusting your goals as you grow and evolve.

5. Seek support and foster connections:

When stress weighs heavy on our shoulders, seeking support from a network of friends, family, and colleagues can be a lifeline. Having someone to lean on, share experiences with, and receive guidance from can provide immense relief. Making time for these people, be it to discuss what is stressing you, or to spend valuable time away from the stress, can be just as valuable.  A good belly laugh with someone you hold dear can relieve stress in the moment and shift your perspective for much longer. 

And there, we have it, five positive ways to manage your stress and take charge of your work-life balance journey.

While these coping strategies can be incredibly helpful, it's important to recognise that they may not be a one-size-fits-all solution. Each person's path and stressors are unique, so be open to exploring various techniques and adapting them to your specific circumstances. Remember, managing stress is an ongoing process, and it's okay to seek support when needed.

With the right tools and mindset, you've got this!

If you need help with filling your toolbox with techniques to manage your stress, I’m here to help. Sign up for my newsletter - or book a consultation, and we can work together to find where your stress is taking you.


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